Welcome to the Alpine Ski Patrol main page. Here you will find general information about the Alpine Ski Patrol and its duties. There are currently 3 areas relating to the Patrol:
the Alpine Ski Patrol Roster
In this section, the Patrol rosters are provided
the Alpine Ski Patrol Primeships
In this section, the Patrol primeships are provided. Contact the Patroller directly relating to their primeship.
the APL Duty Roster
In this section, the 4 weekend duty rosters and their assigned weekends are provided.
The Alpine Ski Patrol Roster
… for the 2024/2025 season
Patrol Leader (Weekend):
Rick G.
Ailie Y. Doug M. Rachel W. Sandy M. Sue T.
Patrol Leader (Midweek):
Gary M.
On Snow Co-Ord:
John O.
First Aid Co-Ord:
Paul E.
Andrea V. Andy H. Audrey S. Brendan M. * Chris V. Dave N. Ian Y. John O. Karen H. Karen M. Katia A. Kent G. Logan M. * Lyle P. Nathalia W. Paul E. Rachel W. Rick F. Simon K. Tyler K. Wesley R.
* On-Snow Only
On Sabbatical:
Ann D.
The Alpine Ski Patrol Primeships
… for the 2024/2025 season
Apres: Dummy Downhill: Vests: What’s App: Recruiting: Soft Drinks: ZIMS Sched Admin: First Aid Supplies: Awards: Logo’d Gear:
Dave N. Dave N. Karen H. Katia A. Karen H. Karen M. Andrea V. Tyler K. Karen H. Katia A.
The APL Duty Roster
… for the 2024/2025 season
For the Weekend Patrol
For the 2024/2025 season, all Patrollers will now be able to pick their own Duty Days. Enter your choices for Duty Days in ZIMS, by going to the Personal folder and clicking on ‘Patrol Shifts’. Once your choices have been entered (a total of 16 entries per Patroller is required, 8 entries early season and end of season each). Remember to ‘Save’ your choices. All entries are to done by December 10. If you are having troubles, contact Rick G. (email him to assist). Note that most dates have room for 16 Patrollers only, so some dates may be full.
NOTE: Due to current restrictions, all entries are subject to change at any time. Please check periodically.
The following dates are available to choose from:
14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29
4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26
1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23
1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30
5, 6
New Patrollers should try to Patrol every weekend until On-Hill certified.